We Clown for kids!!!!!
South Atlantic Shrine Clown Association
Resolved: That we, the members of this organization, shall be under the control and authority of the By-Laws or edicts of the South Atlantic Shrine Association and the Imperial Council and no changes or amendments may be made without written approval.
Section 1: The name of the organization shall be
Section 2: The membership shall be composed of all active Clowns of all Clown and Fun Units from the member of mother Shrine Centers of the South Atlantic Shrine Association. (Not Associate Memberships)
Section 3: The Officers shall be elected at the annual meeting by the member Shrine Centers, with each member Shrine Center having only one (1) vote. In case of a tie vote, the elected officers shall decide the issue by secret ballot with the president voting only in case of a tie vote among the elected officers. The elective officers of the Executive Committee shall consist of a President, 1st Vice President,
2nd Vice President, 3rd Vice President, 4th Vice President, Executive
Secretary-Treasurer, and Clown Sergeant-at-Arms. The Executive Secretary-Treasurer shall be elected each year and will not be an Officer in line. The President may appoint any other subordinate Officers and Committees as he may deem necessary during his term of office.
Section 4: Each Temple will be allowed to have only one (1) member on the Executive Committee at any time with the exception of the Executive Secretary-Treasurer. All elected Officers, except for the Executive Secretary-Treasurer, may not succeed himself more than one time in the same office
Treasurer, may not succeed himself more than one time in the same office.
Section 5: Annual dues shall be $10.00 per Unit member payable in advance at the annual meeting each year with dues to run from January to January each year. After April 1, there will be a $1 penalty.
Section 6: The Association will provide appropriate jewels of the office for elected officers and a suitable fez.
Section 7: Any violation of these By-Laws by any member shall be ground for suspension or dismissal.
Section 8: Proposed amendments shall be made in writing
The Secretary-Treasurer at least forty-five (45) days prior to the annual meeting. Each Unit member is to receive copies of proposed changes thirty (30) days prior to the annual meeting. A majority vote of the member Units present shall be required for the adoption on any changes.
Section 9: The Secretary-Treasurer shall keep an accurate record of all expenditures and shall submit an annual report to the auditing committee at the annual meeting each year.
Section 10: There will be absolutely no consumption of any alcoholic beverages immediately prior to any parade or business meeting of this organization. No smoking while playing with the children.
Section 11: Each Clown or Fun Unit that does not have a member on the Executive Committee shall have one (1) Director and his name will be submitted to the Secretary-Treasurer at the Annual Meeting. Directors are to attend Executive Committee meetings and voice opinions set forth by their Units.
Passed and Approved at the 1974 SASA Convention at Myrtle Beach, SC
Amended and Approved at the 1980 SASA Convention at Virginia Beach, VA
Amended and Approved at the 1984 SASA Convention at Myrtle Beach, SC Amended and Approved at the 1985 SASA Convention at Myrtle Beach, SC
Amended and Approved at the 1988 SASA Convention at Myrtle Beach, SC
Amended and Approved at the 1997 SASA Convention at Myrtle Beach, SC
Amended and Approved at the 1999 SASA Convention at Myrtle Beach, SC Amended and Approved at the 2002 SASA Convention at Myrtle Beach, SC Amended and Approved at the 2011 SASA Convention at Pigeon Forge TN
Amended and Approved at the 2014 SASA Convention at Myrtle Beach, SC
Please follow these links to the score sheets.